Saturday, November 28, 2009

Glenn Beck's Version Of Christmas

So, I never jumped on the Glenn Beck bandwagon like a lot of professing Christians have done. Sure, he may have some good moral qualities about him and have a national voice, but more than that he serves a FALSE god!

So many professing Christians are ready to throw in the towel and concede that they are following a false god as well. Oh sure, they may not readily come out and say it, but their actions and endorsements of folks like Beck speak a lot louder than any words they may utter. They have been clamoring to Beck’s aid and defending this guy for a while now. I’m sorry (actually I’m not), but a person’s moral characteristics are not worth bending God’s Word over. 1 Cor 5:11 comes to mind right now as I type.

So where is this latest Beck love coming from these days? Apparently he has a “showing” of his tale of “The Christmas Sweater” playing across the nation. One such place will be here in my city. I am sure that many professing Christians will be lining up to hear Beck’s version of Christmas. So why is this offensive to me? Is this not any different than any other person that is not truly a Christian talking about Christmas? Actually this mans Christ is a lie. So yes, there is a huge difference. The American culture has now been desensitized to Mormonism/ LDS and Glenn Beck has been a major factor in this. So many people want to stick up for him because he may say some things that resemble what they have heard on Sunday mornings sitting in a pew. Do I know what Beck says in his books, on the air, in concerts? No, and I won’t be any time soon unless it’s for research to show his heretical views of God.

I can’t tell you how upsetting it is to see people fawn over something that is straight from the pits of hell. Actually I see it every day here in the bible belt as many blaspheme God’s Name by saying they are Christians. These same people that are laying hold of Mormonism are the same one’s that were “saved” in their youth but have lived like the world ever since, the one’s that walked an aisle and were deemed saved by a popeish declaration from a preacher or evangelist, the same one’s that are partying on Saturday and falling asleep in the pews Sunday morning. 2 Thess 2:3 says there must be great falling away before the end is near. Could this be part of that? I think it is, so on second thought maybe I am getting a little too upset about this seeing how my Saviors return is eminent.

But for some reason it nags at me, things like this. I am so compelled to speak out against heretical doctrines that are rampant. Are you? Does it bother you when a co-worker tells you in one breath that they are a Christian, but in the next breath are talking about their live-in girlfriend that God brought to him to live together? Or the “evangelists” on TV that preach a prosperity gospel, that is no gospel at all, but a pathway for their pockets to become fat. Or how about those that tell you that you can have your best life now or that Christianity needs to be reinvented for this culture? The Rob Bells, Rick Warrens, Joel Osteens and Brian McLarens of this age are straight from the very pit Satan will call home for eternity.

So that’s the problem, in a round about way. Glenn beck is a puppet for the enemy and he is lulling professing believers away from any hope they may have ever had at a true relationship with the Father. What about the answer? Well, there are 2. You can preach the Word of God in season OR you can preach it out of season. Just preach it, the True Gospel of Christ. Get into the Word, get a study partner or group, go out evangelizing, pass out tracts at the line for “The Christmas Sweater”, pass out tracts and talk to people during your towns Christmas parade, talk to your loved ones about Christ, just don’t sit there and be okay with this. If you are okay with this, then my heart bleeds for your soul as well. If you do nothing then you are actually doing a lot… for the enemy. It is time for true followers of Christ to take a stand, to not is a denial of Him Mat 10:32-33, 2 Tim 2:12, Rom 16:17-20, Mar 8:38.

I’ll end with a quote from C.H. Spurgeon for those that are on the fence about any of this:

"Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that. The saving of souls, if a man has once gained love to perishing sinners and his blessed Master, will be an all-absorbing passion to him. It will so carry him away, that he will almost forget himself in the saving of others. He will be like the brave fireman, who cares not for the scorch or the heat, so that he may rescue the poor creature on whom true humanity has set its heart. If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for."

Monday, November 23, 2009

Depravity Of Man On Display

Take a look at the headline from the Comcast news headlines above. See anything wrong with it? When I first read it I though "Wow, this lady let something she posted on Facebook get her knocked out of sick leave benefits." Although it sounded fishy, and I do not agree with her manipulation of the "system" to gain compensation and still be living it up.

Of course Comcast does not change their headlines every hour, so for half of the day when I signed in to check my email I saw that headline. Then it hit me, Comcasst's headline makes it seem that Facebook was the culprit in this. "Facebook Costs Woman Benefits". Did Facebook really do anything wrong in this? Seems like this lady claimed she was suffering from depression, even though she liked to visit male strip clubs, bars and beaches. She claims that she did these things to help her with her depression, as a therapy by her doctors recommendation. If the doctor told her to or not is not my call, but frolicking around on a beach, tossing a few back in a bar and lusting over men stripping are far from therapeutic in my book. The news headline should have read "Womans Posts On Facebook Cost Her Benefits".

This is taking place in Canada, where they have universal healtcare. So it seems that there are still corrupt claims with government ran healthcare too. I would really like to give my 2 cents worth on Obamacare right now, but I will refrain as I have no biblical basis to bash it, except I do not want to be dependent on government solely for anything, especially my health.

The real issue here is depravity. Sinfulness. This lady has joined the ranks of those that try to manipulate the system in order to get free money. This is plain and simply theft, promulgated by lies. This ladies greed has caused her to seek ways to gain by doing nothing. This is rampant in our country and has only gotten worse over the past year or two. Unemployment at 11%+? Could this be caused by the fact the government makes it so attractive? These people are drawing $500+ a week for sitting home playing video games. Now the state I live in (Kentucky, not confusion) has extended the length someone can draw to 99 weeks. Does it honestly take 2 years to find a job? I know a young man that works 3 jobs, he also has found 2 of these while working at other jobs and left 2 other jobs. So this young man has had employment at 5 different places in the past year. Why? Because he pulls his own weight and doesn't expect to get a free pass.

Issues like this just prove that man IS fallen. Given opportunity they will take handouts to their full extent and ask for more. Most of the time they will complain about the freebie they receive too. Is this theft? In a way it is, since they could make their own way and pay for their own goods. To me it shows a person's heart and where they stand in the eye's of God. They want to take and take and not do anything on their part. It does show the American view of God a swell. People just want to sit back and be blessed and do whatever they please. This is an extremely distorted view of God and His gifts. Just one more way that people want something for nothing. No repentance = no salvation. Also sadly, these are the people targeted by the chrletans on TV, the one's that spew the "name it and claim it" message. The "health and wealth" gospel, that is no gospel at all. They prey on these people with cries of "send in your seed money", or "put your downpayment on your blessing" promising these people financial gain for sending in money. Also these are the people that seek instant riches by playing the lottery, using their limited income to try to make it rich quick.

The world is getting very dark. Me complaining about people cheating the government does not solve anything. Me telling people directly that they are wrong to do these things does nothing. Only prayer and God's mercy can change these people. I ask you to cry out for those on unemployment benefits that are manipulating the system, those that draw a disability check that are fit to work, those that are on welfare to be drawn to the Father. To be saved and follow God, to see God as their sustainer not the government. Government dependence for life is so dangerous. Only God can supply what these people need. Pray for them, pray for eyes to be opened and souls saved. When people start being converted, they will gain new perspectives and will desire to work. They will desire to help others instead of looking for handouts. Pray!

(Disclaimer: I do not think everyone on government assistance is deceptive and/ or looking for a handout. There are people that really need this assistance and help. It is sad that so many make a bad name for those that actually need these benefits.)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Carrie Prejean A Christian? Part 2.

Carrie Prejean - Spokesperson for "American Christianity"

Wow! Ms. Prejean has “some ‘splainin’ to do”. Seems like she is yet again embroiled in a media frenzy. Check out my last post on her, from back when there was the first hoopla over her, her values, her comments on gay marriage, etc.

This time it appears that Carrie has starred in a sex tape, one that she says was made when she was a teenager. Her ex-boyfriend that is planning on releasing this video is adamant that she was indeed older (which allows him to not be charged with child porn charges). Prejean, however, has been very defensive and very “in your face”. With an interview on NBC’s Today Show she was very defensive in stance. On Larry King Live she also threatened to end the interview abruptly when asked about her settlement with the Miss America Pageant. She claimed King was being “inappropriate”.

Now, from a Christian perspective I can say this in two different ways, either for whatever her standing with God is. The first is that Carrie is a Christian and that the tape was made before she was converted, that it along with all other blatant sins have been washed, that she changed direction in life toward the True risen Savior and it is a non-issue. The next is that Carrie is trying to cover this up by lying about her age, trying to get her ex to lie about her age (which would land him in jail for kiddy porn charges), trying to justify her very sinful actions. This is on top of the fact that she parades around through beauty competitions half naked.

Personally I have not seen anything that is consistent with a Christian. She is like many others that claim Christ as their Savior and Lord, but instead are just a part of the world as any other lost person. I do however take offense because of her blasphemy. She is on a public platform and evokes the precious name of God, all the time lying and being very un-Christ like in her stance and actions. If she were actually a Christian she would be handling things very differently and definitely not be lying and trying to have others lie for her to cover up her sinful lifestyle. I am actually sickened by this, as I am with all those I work with and come into contact with that openly announce “I am a Christian!” (Matt 7:22) then turn around and live very differently. With Prejean it happens to be on a public forum and millions of people are saying, “Well, if she’s a Christian, then so am I. We all sin and are under grace, so we’ll just keep on sinning and keep on receiving forgiveness”. Not! (Romans 6:1-14) I have searched for her testimony online and I cannot find it. Wouldn’t a Christian want to proclaim their testimony to the world? There are, however, many racy photos that seem to pop up every time I search for her doing research for my posts about her here. If anyone has seen or heard of her conversion testimony PLEASE point me toward it. From what I have gathered, she thinks she became a Christian during childhood.

The most damnable lie of American Christianity is in public view here. “Just say a prayer and you’ll go to heaven. God accepts you as you are and doesn’t expect you to change.” Where do these heretics get this? Although God does accept you as you are, He will not leave you in that same state. If He starts a work in you He will finish it. The lies that spew from preachers and evangelists today are sending countless millions to a fiery grave. “Come on, come on. You know you want to walk the aisle. You know that you want to be delivered from your addictions, your marriage problems, and your money issues. Just come on down the aisle and sign this card. Make your decision.” All non-biblical pulls on a person’s situation, not a call to sinners to Repent! I call it “situational decisionism”. Someone else may have coined the term, but I never heard it before. I have seen it many times, even within my family. It is very dangerous, especially combined with a public figure such as Carrie Prejean that is banking in on her “Christianity” and misleading thousands, if not millions, of people that once made a mental decision because of their situation at any given moment.

What it boils down to is a need for true repentance, a true yearning for Christ and a willingness to forsake all and follow Him. If someone has not done this, then they are not saved. They are still living on a path of destruction, but are worse off because they are pointing to a decision for their salvation instead of looking to Christ. Their hope lies in a prayer, a walk down an aisle, a word from an evangelist or preacher, tears shed at a “revival” or any other countless things or circumstances… but not in Christ. If Christ is not the focus of your salvation then you are not saved. You are deceived. Of course you don’t want to go to hell, who would? Of course you want to go to heaven, who wouldn’t knowing what the alternative is? Of course you are a good person in the eyes of the world, but how good are you compared to Christ?

God promised that if you seek Him, you will find Him (Matt. 7:7). If you are seeking Him it is because He is pursuing you, you are being drawn to Him (John 6:44). Do not resist, do not heed the call of salvation. Today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).