Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 196: Seasons Of Change

Today at work we all received a "goodie bag" of freebies from our company. The recently changed logo and artwork that coincided with the 65th Anniversary of the company. It has been in Paducah for 35 years and earlier this week marked my 15th year of employment. So a few seasons have come and gone through the years.

The 15 years that I have been with the company have been good for me. I know that God has walked me along the way, opened doors and closed some as well. I have seen a lot of faces come and go and I have known a few workers that have passed on since I have worked there. A lot of things have increased for me, responsibilities, pay rate, work level and with my 15th year the amount of vacation days I receive. God has been very gracious to give me a job that I like and that supports the family. I know that my job is just the means that God has given me, He is the source.

One thing that I need to remember is that my workplace is also my witnessing field. Not that I need to pull out the soapbox at break times and preach sermons to my co-workers, but that I need to live the gospel that I say I believe. Admittedly it is not hard to be a light in the darkness a lot of the times. Even the darkness seems to take note and actually, somewhat, not try to be as dark around me. The cussing diminishes, the dirty jokes aren't told and the "guy talk" does not happen very much around me. I pray that it is because they can sense the Lord and feel conviction when I am around them. I do not say that in a boastful way, but pray that I reflect Jesus to everyone there so that He convicts them, not me. Without Him I am the same as any sinner and probably worse than most.

I recently had a conversation with a co-worker while I was working on the production line. He professes Christ, but lives very differently. I question him to get him to think, but my words do not seem to phase him at all sometimes. His mentality is so ingrained in the heretical message that has permeated the landscape of the entire world. He rests his eternity in a prayer as a child. In our conversation I told him that without the grace of God I would be a very bad person. He asked if I have broken any of the 10 Commandments, so I told him that I have broken them all and deserve the judgment of God and hell. Of course this is foreign to him and he brushes my words to the side like a mosquito. I am fairly point blank with him and question his salvation, because he professes Christ as hi Savior, but blasphemes His Holy Name by doing so, in his sinful, rebellious life.

Bottom line is this man needs God. He needs prayer and so do the other men and women that I work with. Most profess to be Christians, but you cannot tell them from anyone that doesn't, other than their profession. They are lost and only God can awaken their standing in His sight. Please join with me in praying for my co-workers salvation. If you want to leave a reply and let me know your prayer request for those around you, please do. I count it joy to be able to petition the Father for my brothers and sisters.

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