Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 194: Dine In

Wednesday nights at church are a night of fellowship over a meal followed by either followup to Sunday's message, Q&A or something new from the Word. The meal is prepared by a volunteer and there is a nominal charge to just cover the ingredients of the dinner. Tonight's meal was Taco Soup. Sounds pretty good, huh?

I count it all joy when we can all get together in the house of the Lord. I also count it joy getting together anywhere with other brothers and sisters. We are family and part of the same body, so we actually need each to be whole. Other church bodies form with our to form the full body of Christ, His bride. I think the body analogy is perfect, because when one member is sick then all other parts are affected.

The sickness analogy is also good to show the effects of sin. Sin is to the body as cancer is to the human body. It weakens all members and slowly decays and eats away until death is had. The great part of this is the sin can be dealt with much more thoroughly than human cancer can. As a matter of fact it has already been dealt with, on the cross by Christ. We just need to confess and repent and the sin is cast as far as the east is from the west. The sin does not rule us and we need to get our flesh into subjection to our mind and spirit.

It is no small task, as our bodies constantly crave sin. It is our human nature, but through the grace that God bestows to His children it is possible to not commit a sin. We must purpose ourselves to not sin, not to not be tempted but to be constantly on guard and ready to sin the sinful thoughts a packin'. Ask Gd to strengthen your will to reject sin in your life. Ask Him to show you the hidden sins that you do not even realize are there. Also help your brothers and sisters out, lovingly, to hold one another accountable.

We must be diligent in our fight over sin. Just because we are tempted does not mean we have to give in to it's relentless calls. Stand strong in the Lord, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

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