Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 57: A Great Night Out With My Sweetheart

What a beautiful evening we had here in Paducah tonight. The temperature was perfect, a total 180 from what it has been of late with temperatures in the 80s to 90s in the evening.

So, what do you do on a nice night in Paducah? You take your wife out for pizza, of course. We had dinner at Italian Village, 1/2 Cheese for the misses and 1/2 peperoni and sausage for me. Italian Village has some of the best pizza ever. It is a New York style and has been a favorite of Chandra and mine from way back in the day. So, it is a treat to be able to go there with her still to this day and reminisce of yesteryear.

After we ate we drove down to the river and made a drive through cruising section. What did we see there? Well, it's for you to decide what to call it, but to me it was a little Suzuki Sidekick with a convertible top and a spoiler mounted to the roll cage. Now, that took some imagination and lots of guts to drive around in. But, I have seen worse. It did offer up a chuckle for me, at least. Chandra? Not so much.

I am always thankful for time with my wife. She is my gift from God. Even if we do not agree 100% of the time, we are still perfect for each other. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together and I am very grateful to Him for allowing me to be her husband. It is even better knowing what marriage signifies and is an allusion to - the relationship between Christ and His church. Ephesians 5 has come alive to me over the past 18 months or so. Especially in the last 2 as our Pastor, Michael Durham, has been in a series titled "Divine Design For Home". He has taught using Ephesians 5 as the catalyst to open up exactly what each person's roll is in marriage. I highly suggest you take advantage of the free audio download or streaming HD video from the Real Truth Matters website. Each weeks message is available usually the same day as it is given to the congregation.

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