Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 128: Let The Good Times Roll

How wonderful it is to spend the evening with brothers and sisters having a good time. Tonight was one of those nights as a dear brother and sister hosted a little get together at their home. It was a little impromptu, but was a really good night filled with good clean fun. Clean fun are two words you do not hear connected together much any more, so everyone needs to go against the grain and get together with brothers and sisters more often.

We played a game called Catchphrase for a little while. It was a little hard at times, but a lot of fun through the whole time. That's the main picture of the blog, the other pictures were taken using my phone with the "Lenses" app, which was the second biggest hit of the night. There were many more extremely funny pictures taken, but not saved. But these few are really funny, at least for us who know who they are of.

I would urge all Christians to forsake the entertainment of the world in order to just hang out with other Christians. This builds the bond between everyone as a family and body of believers. We all need each other to make it through this life, and it take more than Sunday mornings to achieve that kinship. I wouldn't take anything for any one that was at this home tonight. They all mean the world to me and we can loosen up and just have fun. I delight in my kids when they play around and have a good time together, so why would the Father of us all not take pleasure in His children doing the same?

If your weekend consists of renting movies, piling up on the couch or going out for dinner and a movie I would recommend you invite some other Christians over for a night of fellowship. We have to be in each others lives, otherwise we will be missing out. We are all connected as a body, so we need to know what the other hand is doing or going through. What better way than a night sitting around playing a harmless game and laughing? As long as this is done out of love for each other and to glorify the Lord then we are behaving as the body should.

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