Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 151: Everybody Loves A Parade

The Paducah "Holiday" Parade is no more and a return to the Paducah "Christmas" Parade is well welcomed this year. I haven't heard why the city commission decided to revert back to calling it what it is, a Christmas Parade, but I am glad they did. Maybe they decided that being politically correct doesn't have to happen for parades, especially the one that is in celebration of Christmas.

My church, Oak Grove Baptist, is going to be in it once again this year. My pic today is of the papers that I picked up tonight that tell the guidelines and where we line up. I'm also trying to make a video to play on the float, but it is not rendering the way it is supposed to. I am frustrated and many hours put into it are getting me down, because I can't seem to get it to export or save correctly. I am currently on standby getting ready to try it again.

The main purpose we have for being in the parade is to pass out gospel tracts without getting asked to leave. We have been asked to leave at a couple of other local events, which was not a constitutional thing by the way. We have not pushed the issue.... yet. Parades and other events that draw a lot of people are ideal to pass tracts and to witness to people. I suggest that your church or family think about doing things like this as well. On the side of my blog are links to websites and ministries that you can purchase tracts from. I have also recently found another outlet for tracts called Bezeugen Tract Club. You can join up with them and they will send you 30 tracts per month with your agreement to pass one out per day to someone. They have some great designs and you can also support their ministry buy purchasing additional tracts for great prices.

Take the opportunity to give tracts to cashiers this Christmas season, leave one with your tip at restaurants, leave them in restrooms or leave one at the gas pump when you fill your car up. There are countless ways to pass out tracts and if you are shy it gives you a way to share the gospel without much speaking. As Christians we should be sharing the gospel with everyone we come into contact with. Why do we not? All I can think of is that we don't fully believe the Bible and what it says about hell. If we did we would be telling every person we meet about Jesus and telling them about His sacrifice to pay for our sins. I fail at this too, so I am preaching to myself.

Pray for guidance to share the gospel. God already gives us opportunity to share, we just are so blind that we do not see them.

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