Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 137: Weight And See That The Lord Is Good

You would be amazed at how useful and versatile this Bowflex is. It was first a piece of exercise equipment and then a table. It also looks very usable to hang clothes from, especially the "weight" bars. The bars have eyelets on them to allow coat hangers to be hung at varying levels.

Actually I really need to start using this for its intended purpose. I have gained a lot of weight and am heavier than I have ever been. I have always had a struggle with my weight, but now I seem to make excuses for why I am heavier than I should be. I have blamed it on marriage, stress, getting an office job and lack of physical activity. What it comes down to is I am allowing myself to not be healthy and I am getting tired of it. I am getting to the end of my rope where I finally give in, break down and actually pull up my boot straps and get healthy.

Some would say it is sinful to be overweight. I say it is a lack of self discipline, which we all should have. Is my current size glorifying God? I'd say that I can offer glory to God whatever size I am, but what does not bring Him glory is others perception of my size. I have been praying for guidance in this issue in my life, praying for the will power and fortitude to actually start working out and stop eating unhealthy. Most of my eating issue comes from convenience and what is "easy" to prepare or what restaurant is convenient or sounds good.

I know I will not pay to lose weight, with Weight Watchers or Slim Fast or anything that requires I buy their products or buy a membership. If I lose weight it will be to proclaim that God gave me the desires to do so and He was my guide and my strength through the process. I will allow the Lord to lead me and be a steward of my body and also a steward of the money He has given my family. I do not feel it necessary to spend a fortune to do what God can give me the ability to do anyway. I have lost a lot of weight before in my life with just sheer willpower through various means, but I never have done it to glorify the Lord.

Prayerfully when I do begin the weight loss phase, the muscle building phase and shape changing stage I will get asked how I am doing it. My answer will be through God's empowering Spirit and strength. After all the Spirit can end does empower us to achieve whatever God's will is for us. At this point in my life I feel that it is necessary to achieve this goal. The exacts have not been set as far as how much weight, but I will keep the blogosphere updated to my advancement and achievements. I may even take a few pictures for the "before" photos, but will not post them until I have some after shots to compare them to.

I have confidence in the Lord to help me achieve this. Now I just need His empowerment to do this, so that I am not doing things begrudgingly or with my own strength and determination. After all, how much easier is it to achieve when you allow God to work instead of forcing things to kind of work for a little while, but end in perceived failure? Please join me in prayer for this need and desire to achieve a more respectable body condition.

1 comment:

geckomac said...

So, how's the weight loss working for you? Hope you are doing exceptionally well!!! At least try to keep from gaining during this season.
BTW, God allows us to go to doctors and spend money to help our health. Wonder if God feels the same about paying for health centers/weight loss programs?