Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 134: Running Out Of Time

So, I am running out of time to get my daily post up. I made it though with a little less than a quarter of an hour to go. What was the holdup tonight? A wonderful gathering at the Reed's house. We actually talked about feeling like we are running out of time to accomplish a yet to be determined goal. My picture is of my screen clock on my phone showing the time and how close I am to making the daily deadline.

I gained new insight into my dear brothers and sisters lives as each person there shared. Group get togethers like this are a vital point in a church body. I didn't know how much until we started going on Friday nights and it has been a very edifying and wonderful time each Friday we have gone.

I am the quiet one of the group, but I am also the oldest by several years. Not that I feel the need to give the "sage" advice, as Ben put it, but I do feel that God has placed us all together to share how He is working in our lives. We have some big differences in personality types present and I feel we are learning each others strengths and weaknesses as we spend more time together.

A church family definitely needs more time together than on Sunday mornings, we need to be IN each others lives daily. This is something I need help with, so I am preaching to myself. It's not that I am too busy, it is I don't think about making the effort. I need God to change that self centered-ness in me. I need to reach out daily to those I have the privilege of calling my brothers and sisters and my church family. This is just one more way and reason (not that I needed any more) to seek the Lord daily for His guidance, grace and strength.

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