Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 78: Workin' For A Livin'

This is my desk at work. Yes, it is a little cluttered, but it works for me. Also there is a little extra clutter as I was trying to get everything caught up because I started vacation today too. So, don't be a hater.

I've been at my job for going on 15 years. That is a very long time and what has made it even longer is I have never called in to work. I left early one time with a very bad sickness, but tried to tough it out and just couldn't make it. I know that while the place would not fall apart without me, it does make a difference when someone doesn't show up or leaves early. That may be why I moved up the ladder to my current position.

Forty hours (plus) a week I labor for a days wage. What I do also understand is that God gave me this job. While it may be hectic and nerve racking at times, it is still a great place to work and it is the means at which God supplied me to supply the needs for my family. Do I ever see myself leaving there? No, but I do know that my plans are not always the Lords plans and He might have a different agenda for me. I pray that I am aware of His guidance and that I am in tune with Him so much that I will hear His voice and follow. I do have a tendency to be a little hard headed at times and have asked God to kick me through doors instead of just bringing me to them.

I also realize that this place is also a mission field for me. These men have worked with me a long time, most before I was converted 4 years ago. They know how I was and they know the changes that God has made in my life. I do pray daily that God will show me the opportunities to share and witness to these people. I may be the only Jesus these people ever see, so once again I need to be so much in tune with God's will that it just comes natural to talk. Being an "office" worker does make it somewhat difficult, but God does provide the opportunities to share. Since praying for the chances to witness at work, God has been faithful and I have shared with many men there. A lot of them claim to be Christians, but by their fruit they are just like the majority in America - deceived. This is the hardest group of people to reach, because they think they already have what you are telling them about. Some of the terminology may be the same, but their understanding is so skewed and twisted that it is hard to make headway. That is just another way to seek God daily - for His power and words to come through me and for those people to be made ready to hear and accept the words. Please join me in prayer for these souls I work with day in and day out. Also pray for your co-workers and others God puts in your path. You may also be the only Jesus these people see.

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