Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 85: I Love My Wife

This is one of my favorite shirts to wear, because I want everyone to know that I do love my wife. We may not have the model marriage, get along 100% of the time or agree on everything, but I love Chandra more than anyone on this planet. I love her more than I ever have and it is because God has really shown me what our marriage is supposed to be.

I always thought of marriage as just having a wife, someone to spend time with, a partner in decisions, someone to share in responsibilities, etc. but have been shown over the past 2 years or so that a marriage is much more than that. Ephesians 5 really opened up a whole new understanding for me of how I failed my wife and ultimately was failing God, to see just how I am to strive for the same type of love that Christ exhibits to His bride, the church. I fail so often, but praise Him that He showed me that failure so that I may be sanctified in that area of my walk.

I advise any married couple and any person that is going to be married one day to study the Word and see what God says about marriage and family life. Pastor Durham recently wrapped up a wonderfully edifying series called "Divine Design For Home" which will be a huge blessing to you. All messages are available for free MP3 download from the Real Truth Matters website. I can't stress enough the importance of a Christ centered marriage and family life. Even though my family has much room to grow, we are striving for a home that is in complete surrender to the authority of the Lord.

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