Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 106: I Scream You Scream I Got Some Free Ice Cream

So, I went to the old standby, McDonalds, for dinner this evening. I stopped for a quick bite on the way home from a prayer meeting at church and a stop by the grocery to get my sickly wife some ice cream. When I pulled up to the second window I was greeted by a nice young lady that had an ice cream cone sticking out the window. "want some free ice cream? They made too many and I decided to give it away." What else could I say? I definitely couldn't let a scrumptious treat like that go to waist.

There was a pleasant surprise for the day. Something that happened that I did not expect or desire, just handed to me, through a drive through window. Too bad I am not that cognizant when God is handing me things throughout the day. I do notice some things, but by no means am I able to notice them all.

This is my issue, of course, as God blesses me through each day with His rich blessings. I do see the beauty of His creation, sometimes, when I'm not just looking at trees and stuff. Seeing clouds move across the sky is fairly common to me, so I do not notice their intricate design as they actually dance from horizon to horizon. I hear the noise of the birds, but seldom stop to hear their beautiful music lifted to the Father of all. I smell the stench of a skunk, that snarls my nose, but I very rarely stop to smell the fragrance of the honeysuckles that grow on our land. I am just too busy sometimes to actually stand still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10).

As I get older (gracefully?) I am slowing down a bit. I think this is part of God's design, so that we can take that extra moment to linger by the flowers, to gaze upon the sunset and to listen to the melodies of the animals. This should make us recognize who the song is for and what natures beauty reflects and make us long for our home. At 42 years old I still have a few decades if I live through an average life, Lord willing, so I hope that I can slow down to see God's handiwork, so that I may be more in tune with Him on my departure from this dying world. May I long for heaven more each day and yearn to be in His presence.

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