Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hail Storm

Day 264 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

Today we had a little hail storm as I was getting off of work. Thankfully I had just made it into my truck when it started coming down. They were probably close to marble size and I am sure they would have smarted a little bit if I got hit with one. If it would have came 15 seconds sooner I would have been pelted.

I've always heard that hail is a precursor to a tornado, so I immediately began to scan the sky. All I saw were clouds, rain and hail. Tornadoes carry some very awesome power behind them, as do hurricanes, earthquakes, wind storms and about any other known weather extreme. But the power of those combined does not even match an iota of the power of the Creator.

God has set these forces in motion. They are part of His creation that happen from time to time. When they do happen a lot of outlets say, "Where was God in this disaster?". He is right where He is all the time - on His throne. Just because God doesn't stop a hurricane from destroying cities and taking lives doesn't mean that God is somehow powerless against His creation. As far inferior humans we cannot grasp God's ways. We only fail miserably when attributing our ways and thoughts to Him. It is actually blasphemy to try and make God like us, since He is so far above and beyond what humans on this earth will achieve.

I thank God for Hi graces and for His love. He is worthy of all and Lord of all. I praise Him in the sun and I praise Him in the rain. I still fail miserably at that as well and must seek Him for renewal almost daily so I can achieve a closer relationship with Him. Although I do not like the trials and tests I do like the fact that I must lean on God through them. I gain strength from Him and His Word and He leads me by the minute.

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