Friday, March 11, 2011

What Are You A Slave To?

Day 252 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

I'm about 3/4 the way through John MacArthur's newest book, "Slave". I will say that before I began to read the book I already knew we were called slaves, but what I didn't really full get was exactly what that means. Now, being almost finished with the book I can say that I am developing a better understanding on the 1st Century understanding of slavery and how it actually pertains to Christians.

One great passage from the book says, "To 'confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord' (Rom. 10:9) is to simultaneously acknowledge one's own obligation to obey Him with total submission. His will is absolutely sovereign, and His slaves are expected to obey no matter the level of sacrifice required." Pg. 80 - Now that type of language is very rarely said from a pastor these days and is not very popular. Thing is, it';s Bible.

Today's feel good, easy believism, me-centric messages that stream from pulpits is very contrary to slavery. Instead of acknowledging that we are, in fact, slaves of God, it has been turned into "God has a wonderful plan for your life and exists to make your life happy, make you feel fulfilled and give you out of His abundance". Not exactly 100% accurate, just read the Bible and see how the majority of the Apostles had their lives ended. Then compare your life to that of the Apostles whom spent a lot of time in prison for proclaiming the message of their Master faithfully. Not saying that you have to go to prison, but one should at least be joyful about actually sharing the gospel with others.

I would highly recommend and suggest that you read this book from Johnny Mac. As always he brings new levels of understanding to those of us who really need it. God has given us a lot of great minds that have intently studied the Word and faithfully proclaim that Word. Thank God for gifting an using people like MacArthur, Michael Durham, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Tim Conway, Bob Jennings, Mack Tomlinson, John Piper, Mike Morrow and Charles Leiter. We have some invaluable assets in these men's work and studies at our disposal. Pray for these men and pray for your pastor that they may continue to faithfully proclaim the Word in truth and in righteousness.


Anonymous said...

I am patiently waiting for my copy to come in the mail.

Jeff said...

I purchased mine from Lifeway (25% off coupon + on sale) and have been reading in it on breaks and lunch at work.