Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 154: Party Time!

Had a great time tonight with the RTM bunch at the Christmas party. I did win for the ugliest Christmas sweater, by the way (see previous post). We ate a great meal, reflected on what God has done through the past year, looked toward the future and did some laughing too. So it was a great night with some dear people.

My picture is of the T-Shirt the full time staff gave to me. It was custom designed and printed by JT and Joseph and was a really cool surprise. I say "Turn or Burn" a lot, in a joking manner (kind of) and they decided they would come up with something different. They did - and I really, really like it. It instantly moved up to my #1 spot on my shirt list. I also suggested that they be produced and added to the Real Truth Matter store. I am sure they would sell really well.

The term "Turn or Burn" is taken from those preachers that dangle you out over the flames of hell on a corn-stock while they are preaching. They try to "scare the hell out of you", which of course is not a biblical way to show someone the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It is, like I said, a scare tactic used to illicit an emotional response and in turn create a decision in the hearers mind. That is wrong, of course. When I say "Turn or Burn" it is to my closest of friends. Although I say it in jest, it is a fact and Jesus spelled it out in Luke 13:3,5. He said "Repent or perish", which I say is the original "turn or burn". It was so important to Jesus that He said it twice, within two verses. If one doesn't repent/ turn from their sins, then they will perish/ burn in the lake of fire for all eternity.

We must take hell seriously, but we need to first address the sin in a person's life, then tell them how that affects their eternity and then show them the cross.We mustn't try to scare people out of hell, but expose the sin in their life with the Light of Jesus. Tell them that they must repent or they will perish in an eternal hell.

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