Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 156: Coke Points Rock!

If you drink any Coke products then you are well versed in Coke Points. I am and have saved a lot of them over the years. Even took the whole family to Six Flags using the points saved up to use for admission a few years ago. Now I am back to about 6,000 +/- points and waiting for something really good in my points range. I was hasty once, the first year, right before the ending was supposed to happen and blew all of my points on a Diet Coke directors chair, then they extended the points system. I was actually a little peeved at the whole thing then, but I didn't stop drinking Diet Coke and I didn't stop participating in the program.

Most of my points are from 12 and 24 packs that I have personally consumed, which shows you how many sodas I drink. But, I do not drink coffee, tea or any kind of juice. Actually I have noticed that if someone drinks Diet Coke that is usually all that they will drink. Maybe they have be sneaking cocaine back into their products over the years and everyone gets addicted to them unknowingly. (just kidding Coke lawyers)

Drinking Diet Coke is one of my hanger on "addictions" or "guilty pleasures", if you will. I know I can stop drinking them at any time I choose, but I don't really want to. I do know that if and when God wants me to stop drinking them I no longer will. He was gracious to me after He saved me to take away the addiction of smoking. This was something that I started doing when I was 14 years old and did until my conversion at 38. He didn't have to, but He did. There are other areas that He did not take away from me that I will not go into right now, but use as a point that God knows what He is doing and sanctifies us in different areas in different timing.

The timing issue I have issues with myself and is an area that I need sanctifying in. At times, and with certain people, I expect them to have been dealt with the same as I have about issues in their life. Music, smoking, movies, etc. are all areas that are not really sinful in themselves, but the content dictates that they can be. But, He has seen fit to show me that I lack patience with people at times and I am beginning to bite my tongue and pray for them first and see where God will lead them and me. This, of course, does not refer to blatant sins that do not fall into the "gray areas". Those I feel need to be pointed out to help a brother or sister out in their walk.

Pray for me as I continue the sanctification process and lean more on God than I have been. I need His grace to be poured out in my life for this issue I have and many other areas as well. I am needy. I need my God to work in me and through me for Him to be glorified.

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