Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lifeway Did What? Again?

Day 256 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

The latest Lifeway catalog graced our mailbox today. Flipping through the pages I saw the "normal" offerings from their catalogs - Study bibles at a discounted price, small/ personal size bibles for $5, "Christian" romance novels, overpriced gifts, overpriced CDs and overpriced DVDs. Then the last 2 pages struck my curiosity. It was their Easter items.

Some of the items for Easter offered were "Resurrection Eggs", "Jesus Promise Seeds" and "The Jellybean Prayer Bottle". I guess this is what Christianity and Easter have devolved into, cheap marketing ploys to sell candy and plastic colored eggs. If the actual products weren't offensive enough, the descriptions really put it into perspective. Example: Resurrection Eggs - "Crack open the glory of Jesus' resurrection this Easter". Say what? This company that makes these products have reduced the Resurrection of Christ into a plastic egg? And Lifeway proudly sales them? Really? Really!?

I know that Lifeway is a business and in it to make money, but come on already. Step up to the plate and cut these distasteful and borderline blasphemous products out of the catalog and off of the store shelves. Then again, what would one expect from a chain of "Christian" stores that also proudly sells heretical books by Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Donald Miller and the ever so popular "The Shack"? A caveat about these books: Lifeway for a while had disclaimers with notices about the content of these books, that they did not mesh with Biblical and Historical Christianity. This changed late last year as Lifeway decided to remove the notices, but left the books on the shelves. This made me want to yell. Loudly.

So, what is the Christian buying public supposed to do? Especially when most, if not all, of the other "Christian" book stores sell the same types of items without reservations? Where are Christians supposed to get actual God glorifying materials and gifts? That's not a rhetorical question, I'd really like to know, because I will start shopping there immediately. I am about 75% there in making a decision to personally boycott Lifeway and the other stores that sell the junk I mentioned. I have contacted Lifeway before with concerns about products they carry and got a form letter back pretty much brushing me off. I really think a boycott may be in order to raise awareness of the things that Lifeway sells in their stores. Starting with the new Rob Bell book, "Love Wins" in which he openly states he is a heretic. (I have not actually seen this on the shelf at Lifeway yet. Making an assumption based on their carrying his previous offerings and Nooma videos)

I'll jump off of my soapbox for now. I just grow increasingly angry about these companies, authors and people that continually and increasingly try to drag the Name of Jesus through the wringer to make a buck. My God's Name is to be revered, not placed on a bag of Jellybeans as a marketing ploy to Christians.

Are you with me? Are you ready to stand strong and voice your disdain against items and stores that pander goods that demean our Lord?


Russ Reaves said...

I feel your pain brother. I've received the same form letters before, and a more personal one just today from a higher up at Lifeway. It is sad they do not know how to discern the difference between the wounds of a friend and the kisses of an enemy.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a second grade teacher, I think it is a great way to share the gospel with kids. I work at a private school and use them every year. It catches their interest and gives you an opening to share the truth. How is that a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a second grade teacher, I think it is a great way to share the gospel with kids. I work at a private school and use them every year. It catches their interest and gives you an opening to share the truth. How is that a bad thing?