Friday, April 15, 2011

Hidden Amongst The Busch

If you saw my post from yesterday in my "Year in my life through pictures" series you saw a picture of the beer aisle at Wal Mart. What you may not have seen was a Million Dollar Bill tract that I left on top of the Natural Light cases. Have another look at yesterday's picture, then look at the picture from this post where I cropped where the MDB tract is.

I highly recommend that everyone get at least a small supply of solid gospel tracts to hand out and to pass out. I have written several times on the great ministry of using tracts to witness to people. Me, being of a quiet disposition, really appreciates the door opening nature (or ice breaker as Way of the Master calls it) that tracts afford. I keep a constant supply of money themed tracts, because they catch attention very quickly. I leave these everywhere, and I mean everywhere, from the gas pumps, to the beer aisle at Wal Mart, to the restroom, to leaving with a tip at a restaurant, I look for opportunities to leave these.

A good, solid, Biblically based tract is a very good tool to quickly convey the gospel. Even when a person may not want to talk to you, they will take something handed to them and possibly read later. Will it lead to their conversion? Who knows but the Lord, but you have sown a seed. I would recommend any one of the fine organizations below to get tracts from. Bezeugen Tract Club is a great way to break into handing tracts out as well. They will send you monthly 30 tracts for you to pass out, one per day, for FREE. Yes, FREE. They have an awesome ministry and I encourage you to partner with them in the distribution of tracts. They also have tracts available for purchase, which the money goes back into the ministry to help fund the free tracts sent out. Please check out the following websites and pray about which tract God will have you to use. Who knows, you may feel guidance to get a pack of each. Also, Real Truth Matters can design tracts for you and have them professionally printed or take your design and have them printed, with your organization's contact information.

Bezeugen Tract Club
Way of the Master/ Living Waters
One Million Tracts
Custom Tract Source
Real Truth Matters

Also, the guys at Custom Tract Source have written a great little article detailing "why" Christians should use tracts and many ways to pass them out.

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