Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Day 2011

Day 296 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

Resurrection Day 2011, which some call Easter. I think that Resurrection Day is a more appropriate term anyway, after all it is the day that Christians celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. Without His resurrection Christianity would be just another religion among the others, but Christ arose from the grave and sits at the right hand of the Father and He is coming again. He is coming back one day (looks like soon) for those that trust in Him, not only with lip service but truly trust in Him for everything.

So, it was also an exciting day at church too. Chandra and I were baptized, which has been in the makings for about 2 years. As a child I said the prayer, walked the aisle and was submersed in water, which was just me getting wet. I was not actually converted then and lived like the world until God really showed me who and what I was and who He is. That is when I saw that for 30 years I had relied on my profession of faith as a child, always pointed back to then and was indeed a false convert. I knew I wanted to be baptized, but I didn't want to in the same church I was in, which was also my childhood church. God had been dealing with me about that place anyway, with the man centered messages, the back slapping, buddy system and the sin that ran rampant because most were also false converts. I needed a strong biblical church home and I wasn't getting baptized until I found one.

It didn't take long and God put us at Oak Grove. We started the new members class and through it I remembered that I had never been biblically/ scripturally baptized. With that we agreed, along with the pastor, that Chandra and I would both be baptized with the next baptism service. Well, to make a long story short, Chandra had some health issues at the time set for the first baptism, she was in the hospital, so we weren't able to. Fast forward to the next time and again, she was in the hospital. Today happened to be the next baptismal service set and I told Chandra that there was no way she was going in the hospital this weekend. It worked out well and I got to share about 30 seconds of what I just shared here.

It was a great day indeed. God was good today to us, as always, even though I continually defy Him He keeps loving me. What an awesome God He is and I praise Him for loving me as sinful and dirty as I am. He has done a work in me and continues to do so daily. The closer I get to Him, the more He exposes, the more I see my need to trust Him more and more and turn loose of my flesh. Only by His grace am I where I am and only by His grace do I continue my walk.

Oh, the picture is of one of my favorite hymns that we happened to sing today - "Great Is They Faithfulness"

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