Thursday, May 19, 2011

Camping Trip

Day 322 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

If you have been living under a rock or tucked away in the Andes Mountains I must let you know that tomorrow is supposed to be the last full day of existence. According to Harold Camping May 21st is to be Judgment Day. How he comes up with this estimation is quite mind boggling and I will not even attempt to explain it. There is a brief description on his wikipedia page in the "Controversy" headed section.

Will the Rapture take place on May 21st, this Saturday? It's possible, but it will not be because of Camping's leap in mathematics. The Lord can return at any time and when He does I pray that you are ready to meet Him. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 we are told to not be concerned about dates and times. It almost seems like Paul is directing those in Thessaloniki to just be concerned about edifying one another and to not worry (and those that are true believers today). He encourages them and us to know that we are guaranteed to be saved and taken up with Christ on whatever day He comes back for His bride.

I read the Left Behind books several years ago. They actually made an impact on me and I "rededicated" my life to God. Actually I just reassured myself of my false conversion when I was 8 years old, once again pointing back to that time of my life and once again saying the sinners prayer and asking Jesus into my heart. Thing is I was still not trusting in Christ and Hi perfect sacrifice for me. I was still trying to be saved by my own means. If I wanted to be saved bad enough I would be, or so I thought. There is nothing biblical about that, but after living so many years hearing the same types of messages that is all I knew. I was living in deception and I was headed to Hell.

It was still several years later, after living still in unrepentant sin that God did take the scales from my eyes and truly save me. I now do not point at something I did, but to Christ as my salvation and trust in Him to save me and not a prayer I mumbled as a child. Only the blood of Christ has the power to take our sins away, not a prayer or a decision, not a walk down an aisle or being baptized. Only a total surrender to God and a repentant heart are the pathway to salvation. He has said that if those things are present He will save you - not out of obligation because you do them, but because of Christ. His grace and mercy made a Way, the only Way, and it is narrow. Do not be deceived and do not look at anything other than Jesus Christ as your salvation. If you are, then you are not saved and are on the way to judgment, whether it be Saturday or 30 years from now. We are promised that after death is the judgment and I can guarantee 100% that you will die some day if the Lord does not return soon that is. Today is the day of salvation - who or what are you trusting in?

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