Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 314 Deleted By Blogger

Seems like the blogger website had some major malfunction over the past couple of days. This hiccup wiped out my post from Wednesday, Day 313 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series. The picture of this post shows the notice from Network Blogs from my Facebook page, which is all I have left of the post, since I write 99% of my posts directly into their website block.

Also, I was not able to log in to post my series entry yesterday, but posted it to my Facebook page in toe form of a note. I will be posting it here after I finish up this post.

I have no idea what the issue was, but know that it must have been fairly large to delete everything since Wednesday. My brother also signed up for a blogger account over this time period and had it deleted and was quite put off by this. He said if they are that unstable he would go to some other website. I assured him that it was a rare occurrence for things like this to happen, but I do understand his frustration with it. I did tell him that he was the one that broke blogger when he signed up, which he thought was funny.

Anyway, I'm not happy about having a post deleted and unrecoverable, but will manage to pull myself through it.

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