Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Year In My Life Through Pictures Day 16

It was off again this evening to the Downtown After Dinner happenings here in Paducah. Last week it was just Allan and me, this week was Chandra, Forrest, Allan and me. It was a really good night. The weather was a little on the hot side, but hey, it is the middle of July.

This picture is looking up from the Ohio River towards and past the floodwall. The colors of the sky were awesome this evening. Blues and pinks just popped. One of those nights where you should just pause and gaze at the canvas that God has laid out in front of you.

Psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

I am sure this verse will be used a few times, at least, through my year in pictures. But God often shows me His beauty through His creation. One can only marvel at what His creation is and pronounces. I know many, if not most, people just go through life, see a sunset and say, "hmm, that's pretty." But they do not think about God making that sunset to show His majesty. They just go through life never really thinking about God, even though they may proclaim to know Him, they do not live like they do or speak like they do.

I pray that God sends a great awakening across the world, so many will come to truly know Him. That people will stand in awe of Him. That they will look at the heavens and proclaim that God painted the sky just because He loves us and wants to show us in His creation.

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