Monday, July 19, 2010

A Year In My Life Through Pictures Day 18

This picture, although simple, is enough to write a post on each day for the next several years. This is my view each morning as I prepare for the day ahead of me. I do not see enough of this view and sadly I do not make time for more of this view, like I should.

God gave us His Word for guidance in all areas of our life. I believe that 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says it quite nicely, and completely: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

So, if I have an issue I go to the Word and see what the Lord has already given to us. Although I will not put God into a box and say that He doesn't speak to His children any longer (like some staunchlings do), I will say that God uses His Word primarily to speak and to guide us. Also if anything does not align with what His Word says then it is false. So just a word of caution, if you're getting a "new revelation" from somewhere and it is giving you visions of "money angels" or telling you to give $100 in order to receive back 10 fold, then you are not getting a Word from God. But I will not say anything more in this post about heretical practices.

I pray that I will burn with a passion to want to be in His Word more. Pleas join me in that prayer for yourself as well as for me. Leave a comment and we can all join in to prayer together as brothers and sisters in Christ to call out for Him to pour out His Spirit on us. We need to be awakened to what true, biblical Christianity is. We need to live with God on our mind 24 hours a day. We need to seek Him daily, hourly, every minute to be with us and to guide us. I fail miserably at this right now, but I also know that a burden to desire to not remain in my current state shows that God is already working in me. Do you have the burden to be closer to the Creator of all things?

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