Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frogs And Snails And Puppy Dog Tails

Day 215 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" series

I took the day off today to go to Marion Illinois to find out what my first grandchild's sex is. Well, drum-roll please......... per the title of this blog post it's a boy. Really, as long as the baby is healthy then I was good either way. The heartbeat is strong and there are no complications, which is great the great news.

Look at Jeremiah 1:5 which God tells Jeremiah that He knew him before He formed him in the womb. Wow! that's some good theology right there. God, knew each of us before we were conceived. Then check out Genesis 2:7 that says that God breathes the breath of life into each us. We are the workmanship of God, formed in His creation and to see a precious young life using modern technology still tucked away in the mothers womb is almost breathtaking. The miracle of life is so precious and this little life I am actually a little more partial to, seeing how he is my grandson.

I guess while getting older and our children get older we can expect to become grandparents. I like how Proverbs 17:6 puts it "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged.." and that is very evident in society. Not to take anything away from parents, but grandparents seem to have a little extra affinity towards grandchildren.

I know this child is loved by many people and most importantly loved by the Father. He desires this child to come to know Him and prayerfully I will be able to help point the way to Him. This small life will be dependent on others to feed him, wash him, change his diapers, to keep him safe and every other aspect of life. He will be in total dependence of others. This is a great picture of how we should be towards God. Actually conversion is likened to birth as being born again, so a baby shows just how dependent on God His children are. It's not an option, it is a necessity. Does a newborn have the option of independence and the ability to do everything on their own? No! Not in the least. Which is why Jesus put it that way, "ye must be born again" (John 3:7). That single statement really brings salvation down to it's core - total dependence on God to supply everything, period.

I ask the readers of this post to please pray for this child. Also please pray for my son Matthew, the mother Emily and Emily's parents Cindy and Rick. We are all now joined through the life of this baby. I am sure as the days, months, weeks and years go by I will be adding more information and oogling over this child. Please stay posted for updates and for more pictures.

1 comment:

cindy said...

Grandpa Jeff, Thankyou for such a wonderful post.