Friday, February 11, 2011

See You At The Mall, Y'all

Day 224 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

Had a wonderful time with JT and Joseph at the mall tonight. No, we didn't go to hang out or go shopping. We were there with the Oak Grove Prayer Request Station. This is the first time we have set up inside the mall and to be honest it has to be a God thing. Normally the mall is not the nicest to church groups. But, since this is a community service and we do not solicit anything they allowed us to set up. We have a few other dates on the schedule over the next few months as well. This is a great place for us to set up during the winter months.

We also have set up at the yearly BBQ On The River event that is held here in Paducah. Each time we were able to pray with those in need and be the ears they needed, the shoulders they can lean on and also have the privileged in praying for their need right there with them. We also have a prayer group at church that takes the requests and prays over them on a regular basis.

This community outreach is a very non-confrontational way to share the gospel with people. They actually approach you instead of passing a tract or knocking on a door (and I am not knocking either one of those things). It is just a different setting for evangelism. Our main goal is that God will be glorified in this, followed by helping out folks in need and sharing the gospel with as many people as we can. We want to see prayers answered and we want to make disciples.

If you see us out and about in the Paducah area please stop by and say "Hey". We would be honored to pray for you about anything, no matter how large or small the request may seem to you, we will be blessed to pray with you for it. God answers prayers.

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