Monday, February 21, 2011

Bringing Back Some Classics

Day 234 in my "Year In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

Today's picture is of a stack of jeans in my closet. Not just any stack, but a former stack of work jeans that have been holding a shelf down for a few years now. These jeans I wore about 8 years ago to work in and were put onto the "oneofthesedays" section until I am able to get them back out. See, I've gained a lot of weight since I wore these jeans, but I am heading back down to that size.

In fact, I have several items of clothing that I have kept over the years with the personal understanding that I would lose weight and once again wear them. I hate to get rid of anything, especially something I will be able to use again one day. If I would have gotten rid of them I would then have to buy new jeans and shirts for work and for non-work. Just holding on to the smaller pieces of clothing will be saving me a few bucks, but only if I get back down to that size, which is my ultimate goal.

It's been somewhat of a procrastination mind-frame for me about my weight. I have always believed I could lose the weight, just never put forth the effort to actually do so. Now it's different. I have a goal, I have motivation outside of myself and I have God to strengthen me. One of my "big why" motivations is to glorify God through my weight loss. In a few ways, but mostly in my testimony that He has given me the power to look beyond my personal wants and to Him instead. I focus on Him when I get cravings and have temptations come forth. This I do in eating and all other aspects of my life. See, I am taking 1 Cor. 10:31 to heart and trying to glorify God in all I eat, drink and all that I do. In that I will lose weight and as long as my focus stays on Him I will keep the weight off. Just as in our daily walk, when we are living with God as our focus it is hard to sin. We see everything in relation to God and His love and sacrifice for us. We must look away to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. But we do quite often. But why?

Why do we look away from God? It's because we are fallen (not to excuse sin) and it's our nature to desire things that rule our bodies. Our flesh is strong, but we can overcome sin if we do continually seek God for everything. Not that we just have an add-on prayer in things we do, but that He is the focus of everything and we pray for every situation that we are in - if it's waking up in the morning, driving our car, shopping or working at our jobs - we must begin end and do everything in between with God on our minds and commune with Him throughout everything. It is possible, but it is a discipline that we must work on. I don;t think it's a gift to very many people at conversion and a continual life of seeking God, praising God and acknowledging God in our life is how we get there. I am still trying to figure it out, but it comes more natural each day and it is wonderful. Just makes me wonder how that communion can be broken so easy and I stray so easily, just to placate my flesh, this temporary tent. I am such a sinner and need God more each day. Maybe that is how we attain that constant communion and focus, by always knowing that without Him empowering us we will not be able to do it. Which is great news, because we can't do it and He can.

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