Monday, February 7, 2011

Snowbody Knows

Day 220 in my "Yea In My Life Through Pictures" blog series

Well, it finally snowed a substantial amount here in Paducah. Thing is, this time they weren't forecasting this much. We were told that it would be a inch or two covering the grass and higher areas, but nothing would stick to the roads. HA!

I woke up at 5:30, as usual, to nothing but a drizzle of rain. By the time I left at 6:45 the grass was, indeed, covered with snow and the driveway had some patches of snow sticking. It was a very thick, heavy, wet snow and it was coming down fairly hard. The streets were getting covered quickly, but I thought, "The weather guys know what they are talking about". They didn't and we ended up with almost 7 inches of snow, slush covered roads and school buses and snow plows in ditches. My wife's office was closed down for the day and 75% of the people at my job left at first break.

The good thing about people leaving was that I got to work on the line. When I get to work on the line it takes me from my normal work load that can be mentally taxing at times to a physical, yet monotonous work environment that I can set to cruise control and listen to some great Christian music. I commune with the Lord the majority of the time, praying, talking, praising and just spending time with Him. So, I am thankful when days like today happen. Even though I don't really understand why people would leave without pay after they were already there. But, oh well, I had a good day.

They are calling for snow again Wednesday, so it will be a wait and see for what the Lord has planned. I should have learned by now that they can predict whatever they want, but when God wants to do something different they must conform and not Him.

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