Sunday, June 26, 2011

Video Countdown

Day 360 in my "Year In My Life through Pictures" blog series

Tonight at church we had the first viewing of the last session of "The History of the Modern Gospel" from our body's ministry - Real Truth Matters. I highly suggest that you watch the whole series, from the introduction, then you will be ready to see this last installment. It will be posted/ released this coming week online.

Real Truth Matters has been working on these videos for a little while now. Over those months Lane Chaplin was gracious enough to post these on his blog and since have been viewed thousands of times each. That is just from his website and not counting the RTM Youtube and Vimeo pages. There is also now a separate webpage for the series, The full series will be released on DVD and there is also going to be a study guide/ book that will go along with the series.

God has really used these videos. He has also proven what Hudson Taylor said, "God's work, done in God's time, will never lack God's supply. What a wonderful quote, one that comes to my mind often when I feel like I am treading water on my own, knowing that God will sustain and supply my efforts if they are in alignment with His will. Currently I am seeking His will about some short video ideas. Actually, I am seeking the components for the videos, trusting that He will lead me to the resources.

Following the video this evening Bro. Michael broke away from our study of Revelation to start discussing some things that have been on his heart about our body. I am looking forward to this series of messages as I have been in a spiritual rut of late. Mostly because I have had an increased awareness of how sinful I really am and how much I let that get in the way of my relationship with Christ. I somehow forget that He has already paid the full price for my sins. Not that I have a ticket to sin, because I don't, but that as a child of God I live under the blood of Christ. I actually hate my sins, I hate that part of my life and I would rather that part of my flesh be ripped from my being. I am slowly realizing that my sinfulness needs to be driving me to Christ instead of me placing barriers up that are not actually there. As a child of God I have bold access to His throne and should not do anything but that. Not in a bold and arrogant way, but in a bold way knowing that my Advocate has paid the price in advance.

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